The Northwest Homer Fire Protection District in Lockport, Illinois just ordered this
Mini Pumper! Northwest Homer FPD is located approximately 40 minutes southwest of Chicago! Thank you to Chief Fonfara and the firefighters of Northwest Homer FPD. This
mini pumper will be the second one for the department! THANK YOU Northwest Homer FPD for your continued business!!!
Features include:
FX 1/8″ Aluminum Body
- Chassis: Ford F550 (4 Door)
- Engine: Ford 6.7L 330 HP
- Emergency Lighting: HiViz
- Pump: Waterous 1250 GPM
- Tank: Pro Poly 300 Gallons
- Leaf Spring Suspension
- Point to Point Electrical System
- Akron 3433 Monitor
Apparatus Specialist: Bill Schreiber