In 2007, Bill and Norma sold Battalion Three to a group based in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Brian started Franco Fire Equipment.  Amy, who was living in England at the time, flew home for a couple of months and the two of them got things going.  Most prior employees...


In 2000, the company made a big switch from selling Ferrara Firetrucks to the new Rosenbauer America brand. Around this time two of the three Franz family children, Amy and Brian, became involved in the family business. Amy started off in the accounting department and...


After two separate moves, the company finally found a home at 23 Grandview Park Drive in Arnold, Missouri. With the new location, Battalion Three began a service department with two bays and one mechanic who also did road service while working out of his pickup...


In 1988, Battalion Three sold their first fire truck to the Herculaneum Fire Department; an American Eagle pumper. In the following years, Battalion Three continued to grow.

September of 1986

In September of 1986, Bill Franz and two partners started Battalion Three Inc. One partner left in 1988 and, in 1990 Norma Franz bought out the third partner. Bill and Norma moved the business to the basement of their home in Imperial, Missouri. The first full-time...

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